A little about me.
My life has certainly not been flawless, I am grateful for the journey I have travelled. Like many of us I have had my fair share of painful and positive experiences through life, shaping who I have chosen to become.
I moved around a lot as a child and, while at the time it was perhaps disruptive, in hindsight it built resilience making it easier to adapt to new situations throughout my life.
Growing up on the outskirts of Brisbane I was lucky enough to experience the freedom that I believe, is a right of passage for children. Bare foot, catching yabbies, building tree houses, roaming, horseback and dirt bikes. As long as we were home before dark there were not too many rules. These are the good memories I have of my childhood and the ones I keep close to my heart.
Without going into too much detail, the tension in my home resulted in a broken family. There was alcoholism, mental health issues and the death of my mum. Living out of home at 16 gave me many life changing moments, forcing me to grow up. Fighting my anxiety kept me running, avoiding sitting in my truth. These are the years that truly shaped who I am, who I chose to be.
Fast forward current time, a family of my own with three beautiful children aged 14, 19 and 21 of whom I am very proud. After years of inner work, unpacking sadness, anger, resentment and avoidance I am now comfortably in a position to give back, to help create that beautiful self-awareness that we all long for. I love guiding women to discover their inner calm and truth, giving them the choice to flourish in life.